by Dawn Scovill, Jupiter, Fla.

January 11, 2012 – Somewhere in Texas, a young woman who lost all her belongings in a house fire received a string of unexpected boxes containing clothes, gift cards, and household items. In Tennessee, the victim of a car accident was surprised by heartfelt notes she found in her mailbox. In Pennsylvania, the struggling owner of a rescued dog who’s battling bone cancer received countless well wishes and prayers. In Virginia, a gift basket brought a smile to someone simply overwhelmed with the demands of life.In each case, the recipient asked for nothing; someone else – a relative, friend, acquaintance – spoke on their behalf. Their messages were sent via phone, text, email, or by whatever means were available. Within minutes, their calls for help reached Facebook and were passed along by members of The Kid Rock Life Line. The wheels immediately began to turn.
Informally established after Hurricane Irene in August 2011, the KRLL is a Facebook group made up of Kid Rock fans dedicated to helping other fans in times of need. Pledging to personally assist in any manner they’re able, members point to their rock idol’s own random acts of kindness and his latest rally to “CARE” as inspiration. “I love this group,” said Cath Krege in the online forum. “It exemplifies [the song] ‘CARE.’” Star Clements agreed, adding, “I can’t even express in words the respect I have for souls who give from the heart.” Jennifer Belcamino, one of the growing number of KRLL recipients, dubbed the group, “angels on earth.”
Sonia Woolf, the group’s founder and chief administrator, received the official “dba” on January 3, 2012. “I’m super excited,” she said. “Now I can file for tax status.” Not that the paperwork lag is holding anyone back; requests come in – and get answered – regularly, almost every day. Somewhere, someone’s recovering from surgery. Someone else lost their home. Whether with prayers or blankets, text messages or school clothes, members are eager to help. “Kid Rock fans are a unique breed,” explained one member. “We’re a community. We’re family. You don’t turn your back on family.”
This year, as they await official tax status, the group looks forward to expanding their reach, looking beyond major catastrophes and natural disasters. “I feel we have made, and can continue to make, a positive impact on those who’ve been affected by disaster,” Woolf told the group earlier this month, “no matter how big or small.” Member “Dancin’” Hansen helped rally the troops with the post, “Happy New Year! Let’s touch more lives with love.” Given their short but impressive track record, the KRLL seems poised for nothing less.